Oracle digital ogo
It's time to think, act and be digital in


Go beyond the meter, harness smart data and become as dynamic as the market

Disruptive megatrends like rapid urbanisation, climate change and volatile energy prices are transforming the utilities sector forever. Yesterday's centralised market is being dispersed, disrupted and digitised by agile new entrants, alternative energy sources, in-control customers, ever-increasing data quantities and complexity, the IoT awakening every point of supply and demand. Digital technologies, applications, and devices are affecting every part of the utility value chain. This means huge potential for innovation, growth and value creation – but only for those that make digital central to every process, every interaction with customers. It's time, in other words, to think, act and be business digital across the entire landscape of utilities.

The traditional value chain is broken, but digital offers revolutionary new opportunities. By harnessing data from smart grids and connected devices, utilities can go beyond the meter: becoming more dynamic and reliable, achieving unprecedented automation and efficiency, and opening up new revenue streams with personalised services that enrich customers' lives.

To make this a reality, it's time to invest in platforms that let you harness the power of digital and deepen relationships with partners, suppliers and customers. Are you ready?


Welcome to a future that's real-time, automated and proactive


Read on to learn how you can redefine what's possible in the digital world - helping customers find, fund and fulfil smart energy solutions.

Use cases

The future of energy use

In 2020, the Shaw's busy family home is powered by a modern utility supplier. Here are just some of the ways digital capabilities and services make their lives easier:

Managing a dynamic energy mix

From real-time management to intelligent services that forecast demand and dynamically respond to usage, the shaws have seamless control over their energy needs.

Predictive maintenance of home appliances

Connected appliances make maintenance and repairs fast, simple and fuss-free, while also ensuring ongoing energy efficiency and effectiveness.

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White goods leasing

With smart leasing for smart appliances, help is always on hand to deliver remote support and fixes, as well as other value-add services like insurance.

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Design patterns

Oracle's palette of digital capabilities for Utilities

Unique to Oracle, design pattern thinking is a far more effective approach to building digital architectures. With it, we can align a palette of digital capabilities to documented use cases and deliver relevant, flexible and repeatable solutions much more quickly. Discover how we can support your digital needs below:

Managing a dynamic energy mix

Find out how Oracle Digital helps to manage energy sources more efficiently

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Predictive maintenance of home appliances

See how Oracle Digital helps to manage home appliances and to stay on top of maintenance

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White goods leasing

Learn how Oracle Digital manages white goods to ensure they're always covered

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Points of view

Learn more about the utilities sector's digital future below.

Innovation in today's utilities

Innovation in today's utilities

7 questions with Oracle Utilities' Rodger Smith

Utilities are adopting cloud technologies in record numbers

Utilities are adopting cloud technologies in record numbers

Latest research from Zpryme and Oracle

Utilities peer into the future in Phoenix

Utilities peer into the future in Phoenix

A roundup from Oracle's latest Utilities Edge Customer Conference