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Live Developer Workshop

On-Demand Webinar
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Choose your Own JSON Adventure: Relational or Document Store

Did you know that the Oracle Database fully supports schemaless application development using the JSON data model? In addition, in the same database, that developers can use SQL over the same data for analytics or reporting?

This workshop will provide a walkthrough on how the Oracle Database can not only store, index and have transactional consistency (ACID) with JSON documents, but how you can leverage all the power of the database for advanced security, application development and a whole suite of Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) APIs.

Featured Speakers

Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

Distinguished Product Manager

Jeff Smith

Distinguished Product Manager
Jeff is Product Manager for all things SQL Developer, including SQL Developer and SQL Developer Web, Data Modeler, SQLcl
and Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS).
Brian Spendolini

Brian Spendolini

Senior Principal Product Manager

Brian Spendolini

Senior Principal Product Manager
Brian is currently a Product Manager for the Oracle Database Development Tools Group. Before his product management roles, Brian was a sales consultant/Application Technologist in Oracle Government, Education and Health Care for 12 years. He moved to GSE next, where he was a lead developer on demoweb (,) and then he became product manager for the database cloud services in OCI-C, then of the Exadata Cloud Service in OCI and OCI-C. Like your favorite 90's boy band, Brian came back as the PM of the Database Cloud Services (VM and BM) as well as the Exadata Cloud Service in OCI. Brian has published 2 Oracle Press Books; One on the Exadata Cloud Service and the other on Oracle APEX.