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Cloud Tech Bits / Season 1, Episode 4

Let’s talk infrastructure

We will be covering in this episode some hints and tips on infrastructure. You may not always find that the most interesting part of your developer role, but we can share some really good tips and tricks to help you professionally manage your environment.

Let's start with something all of us had to do more often than not: deploying our own WordPress instance. Turns out it's quite easy with the right automation.
Configuring cloud  auto scaling

Configuring cloud auto scaling

Autoscaling lets you automatically adjust the number of Compute instances in an instance pool
 CI/CD pipeline for cloud

CI/CD pipeline for cloud

Learn how to set up a CI/CD pipeline for your cloud cloud deployments.
Notification services

Notification services

Complete Developer's Guide To The Oracle Notification Service, by Todd Sharp.
Cloud Cost Cutting: Autoscaling

Cloud Cost Cutting: Autoscaling

Read this fantastic blog post about autoscaling your Dev/QA environments.
Intro to Logging Analytics

Intro to Logging Analytics

Hands-on Introduction to infrastructure & apps monitoring, troubleshooting issues, and analyzing large volume of logs

See you next month!


The Oracle Customer Experience Team