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Supercharge your SaaS with Integrations & Extensions.

Hands-on Lab
28 September 2021
1:00 pm Beirut | Amman

Hands-on Workshop: Oracle Integration Cloud & Visual Builder.

Supercharge your SaaS with Integrations & Extensions.

This session aims to enable organizations to connect their existing on-premises and Cloud, Oracle and non-Oracle, applications and then extend them to drive business growth and unlock new revenue models. It is designed to support organizations on their journey to Cloud and achieving their innovation and agility goals, while future-proofing their investments.

Join this workshop and get more insights on:

  1. Reducing time to deliver personalized, connected experiences to create memorable customer service moments and boost employee productivity
  2. Engaging digital interactions require integration with automation ‘islands’ in the corporate back-office to simplify and speed human decisions
  3. Driving business innovation and extend your reach to achieve new revenue streams with intelligent, engaging, digital experiences
  4. Leveraging existing IT investments, enable same day changes for seamless, connected experiences across devices, hassle-free upgrades to systems of record, and scale IT for business with low code integration, automation, content and app development

Featured Speaker

Milomir Vojvodic

Milomir Vojvodic

Master Principal Domain Specialist Cloud Engineer - Integration and Security, Oracle.

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