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Customer Success Story: Telefónica Tech

Mobile World Live Interview with Telefónica Tech

For Telefónica Tech’s key connectivity solution, “Kite Platform,” Oracle Communications’ virtual Signaling Transfer Point (vSTP) plays a vital role. Oracle’s vSTP is providing network services, with a low hardware footprint, and simple architectural configuration to seamlessly connect Telefónica Tech’s customers to their core network. A critical aspect of this vSTP configuration has been the flexibility for narrowband IoT, a service on top of 4G and major value offering for the Kite Platform, as Telefónica Tech continues to expand into this market.

In this Mobile World Live Interview with GSMA’s Justin Springham, Telefónica Tech’s Francesc Puigdelloses, discusses how Oracle Communications’ vSTP is providing Telefónica Tech a unified signaling solution with a seamless journey to the cloud.