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Customer Case Study: How Biagi Bros. Modernized their 3PL Business in the Cloud

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Thank you for registering for Customer Case Study: How Biagi Bros. Modernized their 3PL Business in the Cloud, on October 27, 2021, 12 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. PT.
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Oracle Events Team

Biagi Bros.
As a full-service logistics company, Biagi Bros. provides businesses and organizations with 3PL & supply chain solutions. Because their distribution centers, warehouses and truck terminals are strategically located throughout the U.S., they resolve logistics challenges in creative ways with the 3PL services needed.

Körber is a global supply chain solution provider, Gartner MQ leader for Warehouse Management Systems, and long standing Oracle partner delivering a range of proven solutions to fit your size, business strategy, and appetite for growth. Körber’s solutions include software, automation technology, mobile, voice, robotics and more.
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