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Oracle Cloud Coaching: Modernize your Monitoring-OCI Observability and Management Platform

Live Webinar
27 October 2021
11:00 CEST

Modernize your Monitoring-OCI Observability and Management Platform

Cloud Coaches are highly skilled developers, ready to assist you in your Oracle Cloud development journey. Cloud Coaching Office Hours provide an opportunity for you to interface directly with experts and find additional help for your organization.

Join us for an interactive Webinar where you can learn firsthand how OCI Observability and Management Platform provides 360-degree insight into the performance, availability, and capacity of your IT investment. During the webinar you’ll discover and learn how to:
  • Monitor and inspect your application performance and availability. -Ensure optimal performance and thereby deliver a good customer experience
  • Use machine learning to cut troubleshooting times and the risk of application downtime by 50%
  • Get predictable performance, lower risk, and reduce outages by analyzing your databases and get to insights up to 50% faster
  • Forecast capacity and intelligently plan for future growth
  • Ingest and analyze logs efficiently using centralized logging analytics tools enhanced by machine learning to find potential root causes in a matter of minutes, cutting down the meantime to resolution and maintaining critical SLAs.


11:00 AM
Introduction and contact details
11:10 AM
Presentation on services a and explanation of process
11:20 AM
11:45 AM
Q&A & wrap up

Featured Speaker

Florentina Craiu

Florentina Craiu

Senior Cloud Engineer - Data Management