Datengetriebene Logistik: Dank besserer Daten mehr als “logistics as usual”
Es diskutieren:
Darko Belic
Geschäftsführer, DHL Automotive GmbH/LLP Europe, DHL Supply Chain
Darko Belic
Geschäftsführer, DHL Automotive GmbH/LLP Europe, DHL Supply Chain
Dr. Michael Dittrich
Managing Director, Accenture Strategy, Lead of Accenture’s Supply Chain Practice in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Dr. Michael Dittrich
Managing Director, Accenture Strategy, Lead of Accenture’s Supply Chain Practice in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Steffen Zitzmann
Business Development Manager Supply Chain, Oracle Software (Schweiz) GmbH
Steffen Zitzmann
Business Development Manager Supply Chain, Oracle Software (Schweiz) GmbH
In Kooperation mit
der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL)