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Now You Know: Extensibility and Interoperability for DevOps with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c

Live Webinar
February 10, 2022
11:00 a.m. PT | 2:00 p.m. ET
EBS and Cloud HCM Experts Webinar Serie

Best Practices for DevOps with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c

DevOps adoption helps you automate and standardize your processes and accelerate software delivery while keeping control of operations, monitoring, and lifecycle management of your environments.

Implementing DevOps to support business goals requires more than simply selecting tools. Successful DevOps implementations require deep interoperability with, and automation from, specialized management platforms like Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c (EM 13c).

Join us to learn how EM 13c can help you deal with demanding
situations like these, and more:

• Monitoring Setup Automation
• Provisioning Oracle Databases
• Database Lifecycle Automation
• Automated Database Cloning
• Metering and Chargeback
• Data Masking

Featured Speaker

John Mishriky

Alfredo Krieg

Master Principal Security and Management Platform Specialist