Oracle PCA X9 Launch Webinar
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Delivering Cloud Portability for Diverse Workloads

Built using OCI-compatible APIs & Tools

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance X9 is ideal for customers that are moving to the cloud, but also need to run some workloads in their own data centers due to data sovereignty, latency or security requirements. PCA X9 is an excellent application engine complement to Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer and Exadata Database Machine for customers that are deploying or upgrading scale-out, multi-tier applications. Organizations benefit from running the database tier on Exadata and the application tier on PCA for a unified, complete stack solution.
15 mins
Welcome & Overview
30 mins
Introducing Oracle PCA X9
1 hour
Oracle PCA X9 - Under the Hood
15 mins
Q&A and Closing
Featured Speakers
Systems Business Development
Senior Director,
PCA Product Management
Senior Principal Product Manager,
PCA Product Management
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