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Accelerated pathway to optimise stakeholder collaboration & engagement with OCM
If you are looking to provide your stakeholders, internal and external audiences an interactive and optimised cross channel experience, enable your teams to dynamically collaborate and publish content and provide the back-end applications "in-context content" sourced from emails, videos scanners in real time, this session is for you.

Find how you can foster digital collaboration, deliver personalised experience to all stakeholders, enable rapid front office and back-office automation, and drive content operations efficiencies with Oracle Content Management Platform.

Click the button above to watch the video, explore the live-lab workshops related to this topic and download the slides.
Featured speakers

OCI Solutions Director, Low Code Appdev, JAPAC, Oracle

Sr. Director of Product Management, Oracle
Vinay Kumar

Director, Product Management, Oracle

Vice President, OCI Solutions, JAPAC, Oracle
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