Build Your Zero Trust Cloud Security Framework to Safeguard your Digital Transformation and Business Growth 
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A security breach can undermine the integrity and even the future of your business. Unpredictable threats, such as compromised credentials, data breaches and system vulnerabilities are ubiquitous and can strike from anywhere with little warning. 

Join this informative webinar and learn from Oracle expert as well as our guest speakers from PwC on how to shape a security strategy that reduce your attack surface,  and build your zero trust initiative to  secure your cloud workload quickly and effectively.

Don’t allow security threats to block your growth. Register for the event and take action to bulletproof your business today. 
2:30 PM
2:35 PM
2:50 PM
3:20 PM
3:30 PM
Dissecting a Real-life Cyber Incident on Cloud Platform
How to Approach Zero Trust Security Model with Oracle Security First Cloud 
Q&A Session
Webcast End
Featured Speakers
Kok Tin Gan
Partner, Cyber Security & Privacy
Darklab Founder, PwC
Michael Ching
Manager, Cyber Security & Privacy,
Eric Tsoi
Enterprise Security Specialist,
Oracle APAC
Oracle is committed to promoting a corporate culture that is centered on integrity, accountability and ethical business conduct.
click here for important ethics information regarding this event.
Check out more at our website
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