The Changing Face of Patient Recruitment 
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The Changing Face of Patient Recruitment 

Patient recruitment and engagement is the most expensive and difficult part of a clinical trial.  Most eligible patients are unaware that appropriate studies exist.  Better patient engagement is needed to increase awareness and improve recruitment. 

This webinar will cover the key aspects of a executing a digitised approach to improving patient engagement; including:

  • Smart digital omni-channel outreach leveraging social media and AI-enabled 'contextual intelligence' to identify and target specific patient cohorts, such a specific disease populations and/or demographic segments.  
  • Partnering with health systems and other channels to identify patient candidates using EMR and genomics data repositories.
  • Patients enrolled into a single engagement platform which serves as a ‘waiting room’ of prospective candidates for eligible trials. 

Attendees will be able to hear from and question Health Sciences Expert Raj Modi on how to transform Digital Patient Recruitment within Pharma. CX Data Solutions, Jamie Cassidy, will also talk through how to leverage Technology to increase online conversion.
Attend this webinar, to learn how:
  • To identify and recruit patients for clinical trials
  • Insourcing Patient Recruitment can help you to diversify Clinical Trials & reach brand new audiences
  • To optimise digital marketing to increase conversions from website visitor to patient
Featured speakers
Raj Modi
Strategic Client Advisor at Oracle
Andy Fisher
Director of Marketing Strategy at Oracle
Jason Pemberton
CX Consulting at Oracle
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