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Fast-track multicluster Kubernetes deployments
in hybrid cloud Series

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With a shift of focus towards the cloud, organizations are looking for solutions that enable them to flexibly adopt cloud-native technologies in order to improve productivity and innovation. Technologies that help them modernize existing applications, rapidly build and deploy new capabilities that enhance their business outcomes, and run their applications where they choose – on-premises, in a cloud environment, or – for many organizations – in a hybrid manner.

In this webinar series, on the second Wednesday of each month, experts will discuss some of the key challenges with implementing cloud native solutions on-premises and in the cloud. They will then get into the details of how an integrated solution stack of open-source technologies with Verrazzano, Oracle Cloud Native Environment and Linux, can fast-track multicluster Kubernetes deployments in hybrid cloud environments. Demonstrations and use cases will be shared during some of these sessions, and all will include live Q&A.

Upcoming Oracle Live webinars

How to get started with multicloud Kubernetes

Duration: 30 mins

Hybrid Cloud Native Challenges

Duration: 30 mins

Avoiding bad technology choices and vendor lock-in

Duration: 30 mins

On-Demand Webinars