Webinar Series: 3 Steps to Jump-Start Your Journey to Cloud ERP
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Step #2: Plan Your Move to Oracle Cloud with Confidence

You’re ready to move to cloud but … it’s complicated. You’ve amassed a collection of siloed legacy solutions over the years to solve business problems—and that ultimately causes data issues, complexity, and high maintenance costs. These systems are likely customized. All of this makes it hard to determine just how to get started. 

Hear from an organization that rose to the challenge. The City of Tampa migrated to Oracle Cloud ERP, SCM, and HCM in just 10 months, and has since accelerated decision-making, increased efficiency, reduced IT costs, improved procurement, and more. 

They'll share:

  • Why they chose Oracle Cloud
  • How they reduced overall implementation costs by 30%
  • How their finance department prepared for the move
  • How the project was sequenced to minimize downtime/impact on the business
  • How they managed change and transformation
  • How they established a culture of continuous innovation with quarterly updates

Featured Speaker

CIO/CTO, City of Tampa, Florida