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Women in Finance and Operations
Interactive Webinars

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While women are currently underrepresented in finance, supply chain, and operations roles—you can be part of the solution to ignite change. Whether you are early in your career or an established professional, join this series of interactive virtual events to expand your knowledge about hot topics, hear from inspirational leaders, and network with peers in small breakout rooms. You’ll leave each session motivated and energized! Can’t join us live? Sign up, and we’ll share the keynote recording after the session so you can still benefit from insights and takeaways. These programs are presented in partnership with KPMG.

Upcoming Oracle Live Webinars

Leveraging Your Network to Build a Personal Board of Directors

Duration: 24 mins

Women and Economics—Separating the Signal from the Noise

Duration: 24 mins

Women Uplifting Women—Creating Opportunities to Soar

Duration: 25 mins

On-Demand Webinars