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Software Supply Chains Evolving to Meet New Challenges

VDC Research

Transforming Development for Next-Generation Software Supply Chains

VDC Research

Get executive insights on leading trends and challenges impacting development organizations today, along with technology choices like Java, that can help address them efficiently, based on a recent VDC Research study.

The technology industry is increasingly diverse, driven by the widespread adoption of microservices for value delivery. With this shift, organizations must prioritize technology platforms that can efficiently support the creation, deployment, and maintenance of various business-specific applications while ensuring utility, agility, and reliability.

Read the report to learn about how:

  • Java remains the #1 language used by developers
  • 79% of developers using Java agreed that Java helps their organization efficiently develop cloud-native applications
  • Developers using Java cite improved project schedule adherence

Why is Java is the #1 language used by developers in enterprise IT organizations?

The most frequently used language remains Java, with 39% of developers personally leveraging Java in their current projects. Moreover, not only did more developers cite having used Java for their most recently-completed past projects, but the current project frequency also showed an increase over its prior use. With the backdrop of an increasingly polyglot development paradigm, Java’s continued adoption and utility also reflects the efforts undertaken by Java stewards like Oracle to facilitate multi-language development, helping to ensure that Java users can be as successful as possible, regardless of what other languages are being used. - VDC Research

14M Full-Time Java Developers
63 Billion JVMs Active in 2022
Developers in Enterprise IT Organizations