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Hope you enjoyed DevNexus

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If you missed our Lightning Talks, check out the presentation slides!

* Java Virtual Threads and Pipelined Database Operations
* Using Java With MySQL Heatwave and Lakehouse
* Virtual Threads and Helidon - Keys to Performance and Productivity
* From Zero to Production in 30 Minutes for Your Spring Boot Application

And explore the Oracle Developer Resource Center.

Discover. Learn. Build.

Generative AI, cloud native and open source on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).


Every month, Major League Hacking (MLH) invites its community to participate in a week-long festival called Global Hack Week. Check out this page to see the schedule of upcoming events.
  • Data Global Hack Week: May 10–16, 2024

There is no AI without data. And Oracle has you covered.

Developer Resource Center
  • Discover. Learn. Build. Generative AI, cloud native and open source on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
  • Java is the #1 language for today's technology trends. Through a transparent development model in the OpenJDK project, Oracle is delivering continuous innovation. This ongoing stream of incremental advancements aids users in developing next-gen applications, focusing on cloud-centric, data-centric, and AI-centric solutions.
Oracle Database
  • Oracle Database 23c delivers the most complete database for developers and supports open technologies to build new AI, microservice, graph, document, and other full-stack applications.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
  • OCI is the next-generation cloud designed to run any application, faster and more securely, for less.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Oracle AI makes it easier for analysts and developers to apply AI to applications and analytics, enabling organizations to accelerate and scale business impact.
  • MySQL is the world’s most popular open-source database and a top pick for its speed, reliability, scalability, and ease of use. Access tutorials, videos, blogs, and more for developers at all levels.