Harvard Business Review Analytic Services: The Rise of Intelligent Automation

Research Report

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According to nearly 400 business leaders recently surveyed by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, to be successful, it is imperative that organizations incorporate more AI and automation into their business processes going forward. 

To get full advantage from these investments will require rethinking what it means to operate as an intelligent enterprise, moving from pockets of automation to a strategic, enterprise-wide approach.

Learn how automation can help vault your enterprise to the forefront of its industry with this free report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, sponsored by Oracle.

CIO Guide to Automation

Forrester Report: The CIO's Guide to Automation

This Forrester report provides a consolidated view of the value, goals, and best practices of automation. In Oracle’s view, these technologies are poised to increase administrative efficiencies and revolutionize business processes in the years ahead.

Guiding Principles of Automation


Forward-looking organizations pursue digital transformation projects to seize new market opportunities, become more competitive and better serve customers. Autonomous technology can magnify the impact of these initiatives by simplifying manual business processes, enabling a focus on innovation. This checklist gives practical direction to create an autonomous enterprise.

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