Oracle Primavera Practice in the Classroom

March 27, 2019
11:00 a.m. ET

Join Oracle Academy and experienced Primavera teacher and presenter John Buttelwerth for our free webcast, Oracle Primavera Practice in the Classroom.

Learn how to use Oracle Primavera software in your classroom and teach your students how to use the software to meet expectations of future employers.

Webcast leader John Buttelwerth has taught Primavera for more than 35 years. In addition to classroom teaching, John has taught scheduling software to 2,000-plus project managers throughout the country. In less than two years, more than 15 colleges and universities have adopted his P6 Real World Scheduling book as a text.

If you have been hesitant to add Primavera to your curriculum because you weren't sure how to teach it or felt you didn’t know the software well enough, this webinar should be all you need to learn more and boost your confidence—and your students’ resumes.

The webcast includes a detailed overview of eight labs that give students the opportunity to create a realistic project schedule, and adding to it as they deepen their understanding of the software. Labs help students practice:
  • Creating and saving a schedule, customizing schedule looks and layouts, and working with calendars
  • Activity coding to organize activities into Work Breakdown Structures, loading of resources and costs, a real-world analysis of resource over-allocation, and possible update scenarios
  • Methods of filtering activities, including creating a customized Six-Week Lookahead filter, and a final schedule analysis