Register for Oracle Developer Workshop: Low Code Application Development Using Oracle APEX on Autonomous Transaction Processing

Low Code Application Development Using Oracle APEX on Autonomous Transaction Processing

August 27, 2019
10:00 a.m. PT | 
1:00 p.m. ET 

Develop applications faster, for lower cost, and with greater consistency. The Autonomous Database now includes Oracle APEX, a low code application development platform that enables your organization to be more agile and solution driven.

This workshop gives you hands-on experience developing applications using Oracle APEX in the Oracle Cloud. Learn how to:
  • Create an Autonomous Transaction Processing Service
  • Access APEX in the Oracle Cloud
  • Create an APEX Workspace
  • Create an Application from a File
  • Use Quick SQL to Create Database Objects
  • Use SQL Developer Web to Access Database Objects
  • Use SQL Developer Web to Create Data Model
  • Create and Modify APEX Application

What You Need to Know

Oracle Cloud account

In order to participate in this workshop you must register for the Oracle Cloud Trial or already have an Oracle Cloud account.

Once the request is made, your account should be provisioned in about 15 minutes.