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Help Ensure Data Security with MySQL Enterprise Edition


Cybersecurity attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, but MySQL EE can help. Learn how you can help your customers minimize risk, protect data, facilitate regulatory compliance and more here.


MySQL EE Security Battlecard

Provide information that will resonate with your customers' needs


MySQL EE Product Guide

Learn how MySQL EE Security features can help your business 


MySQL EE Campaign Guide

Learn how to use the collateral on this site to create your campaign


MySQL Customer Data Sheet

End-user facing value-add security data-sheet for your clients  

You might also be interested in executing a MySQL EE Security Email Campaign:


Email Template #1

 Securely Develop, Deploy & Manage MySQL EE Applications


Email Template #2

Reduce Security & Regulatory Risks with MySQL EE 


Email Template #3

Confidently Develop Secure, Modern Applications with MySQL EE

Additional Resources you might be interested in:


MySQL EE Social Media Copy Blocks

MySQL Security social media posts for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn