Register for Oracle Developer Workshop: DevOps and Infrastructure as Code

DevOps and Infrastructure as Code


October 22, 2019
10:00 AM PT | 
1:00 PM ET 

This DevOps and Infrastructure as Code workshop gives you hands-on experience creating an infrastructure to support a deployment of a MYSQL database in the Oracle Cloud using Developer Cloud Service. Follow the workflow from the point of view of the head of Infrastructure. Gain experience using Developer Cloud Service to deploy infrastructure and learn how to:
  • Use Developer Cloud Service's new features of Packer / Terraform / Pipelines / Software Templates
  • Generate and Deploy a Custom Image
  • Create a Compute Instance based on the Custom Image
  • SSH into the Compute Instance and verify the installation of MYSQL, Git, and Docker

What You Need to Know

Register for Cloud Trial

In order to participate in this workshop you must register for the Oracle Cloud Trial or already have an Oracle Cloud account.

Once the request is made, your account should be provisioned in about 15 minutes.