This webcast is part of the Oracle Global Leaders webcast series

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15:00 CET

App Developer Gains Performance Increases and a faster time to market

intive develops customer experience, enterprise transformation, mobility and AI software applications for customers around the world. Their use of big data requires fast integration, and robust and reliable management of the data, along with fast reporting and real-time data visualization.

Using Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse, intive has enjoyed 10-70X performance increases, with 4X higher quality, and 3X faster time to market compared to their legacy system. The company also found Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to be 3X less expensive for the same performance as other public clouds. 

In this webcast, Marcin Niczyporuk, CTO of intive Poland, explains how Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse has helped delivered performance increases, higher quality, and a faster time to market than their previous system.

Featured Speaker

Marcin Niczyporuk

Marcin Niczyporuk
CTO of intive Poland

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Oracle Global Leaders

This webcast is part of the Oracle Global Leaders webcast series