Oracle Virtual Event: Security in the Cloud

Security and Cloud: Select your Cloud Provider because of Security, Manage your Cloud Security Responsibilities

14 April 2020
15:00 CET / 14:00 UK Time

According to the Oracle and KPMG Cloud Threat Report, 82% of cloud users have experienced security events due to confusion around the Shared Responsibility Security Model. The lack of clarity on this foundational cloud security construct has had real consequences for many enterprises, including the introduction of malware and loss of data.

During this webcast we’ll share the Lessons Learned from real recent public breaches in the cloud.
We’ll discuss about how infrastructure security (Security of the Cloud) can be the elements on which you’ll select your Cloud Service Provider, and how Oracle has designed the new Cloud Infrastructure generation with 3 priority in minds: security, security and security.
We’ll touch on the importance of the visibility for cloud security for the customer’s SaaS / PaaS and IaaS services, from any cloud provider, and how Oracle Cloud Security solutions are helping already customer also in relationship to key regulations.

Like Identity, Users & Entities Behaviour Analytics, Configuration Management, Data Security from the cloud and for the cloud (SaaS/PaaS/IaaS)

  • Why is security key, how it’s different in the Cloud
  • Recent breaches, lessons learned & shared responsibility in the cloud
  • Choosing your cloud provide because of Security: the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Gen 2 security by default posture
  • Securing your Data, User, Application
  • (including configuration monitoring, User and Entity Behavior Analytics)
  • Summary - Q&A

Featured Speakers

Luca Martelli
Luca Martelli, Head of EMEA Business Development and Product Strategy, Oracle Security and Systems Management
Damien Rilliard
Damien Rilliard, EMEA Business Development Manager, Oracle Security and Systems Management