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Get Hands on Experience Developing Apps using JSON, XML, Spatial and Graph

Welcome to the Develop Apps using JSON, XML, Spatial and Graph hands-on lab. The tasks in this lab consist of:

  • Sign Up for an Oracle Free Tier Account
  • Setup the cloud shell (OCI CLI), a Resource Manager stack that will generate the Oracle Cloud objects and start a database instance and listener.
  • Connect to a Node.js running in a Docker container on an Oracle Cloud Compute instance.
  • Load JSON Documents into the database, insert a record and update a table.
  • Execute a XML Query, insert an XML record, and update and XML table.
  • Execute SQL queries with Spatial constructs
  • Create a graph, query the graph using PGQL, load the graph into memory and publish it and visualize the graph
  • Use cross data functions such as JSON with Relational, XML with Relational and JSON with Spatial.