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Introducing Luminaries: Oracle’s official developer community

Think fast: what’s the one thing the internet does well? No, it’s not just that it’s an incredible platform for meme generation (though it’s that too): it’s its ability for people to conveniently find one another.

Great, right? Well, it gets tricky. With so many communities accommodating different types of users, it’s difficult to know where to call home. Is it Discord, Discourse, Twitch, Hacker News, Reddit, Stack Overflow, Twitter?

That goes double if you’re a developer. Oracle devs, for example, are a diverse group. You may be analyzing OCI dashboards all day, or maybe turning to MySQL for storage solutions. Perhaps you’re mostly about the low-code life and building apps with APEX? There’s a lot there.

To make things even more complicated, with all that diversity comes a dizzying selection of platforms — where do you go to troubleshoot with like-minded developers, find mentors or resources to nail that white board interview, or prepare for your OCI certification?

What we need is a singular developer community.

Enter: Luminaries.

Who should be a Luminary?

An inclusive community for any developer, regardless of experience:

  • • Users of OCI, MySQL, GraalVM, Database, and other Oracle tools
  • • Curious developers who seek more fluency with Oracle offerings
  • • Developers who seek exclusive technical content to level up their skills
  • • Oracle enthusiasts excited by testing beta releases accessible only to Luminaries


Based on your status as a Luminary, you can receive:

  • • Exclusive, premium technical content
  • • 1x1 expertise from engineers that developed the product
  • • Invitations to IRL meetups
  • • Social media shout-outs from official Oracle channels
  • • Free OCI certification
  • • Thousands of dollars in OCI credits
  • • Conference passes to one Oracle owned or Oracle sponsored event
  • • Swag and other surprises
  • • Exclusive access to new launches before general availability

Luminaries is a community group for developers who seek new career opportunities due to their OCI and Oracle product expertise, a technical support community, and an insider’s look at Oracle product launches.

If you’re serious about your tech stack, seek community to level up your skills, and want rewarded for it — you need to become a Luminary!

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Ask technical questions, plan meetups, or post pictures of your pets (no, but really).



Invite-only discussions mean you're engaging with the most active developers out there. This is really where technical content and community come together.


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Keep an eye on your inbox to receive monthly missives inviting you to beta test new product launches, hot-off-the-press Oracle news, and announcements for exclusive technical content.