Speaker Information

Speaker Information

Information for 2018 Conference Speakers

Congratulations on your invitation to speak at Modern Finance Experience 2018!

You will use the Speaker Resource Center (SRC) site for many actions, but you will find instructions and more information here—from session durations to equipment provided. For example, use this site to do the following:

  • Understand required speaker tasks and timelines
  • Help you with presentation files, speaker limits, and equipment provided
  • Learn about what to expect onsite

Key Dates

Session catalog available November 1st
Communication of session schedules to speakers Week of December 4th
Deadline to respond to Speaker Consent Agreement
(non-Oracle speakers only)
Within one week of receiving Consent
Presentation collection – upload into SRC On or before February 15, 2018


We hope you'll find all you need here, but if you have questions before the conference begins, send an email to MFEspeakers@one10marketing.com.

Begin in Four Steps
To receive your complimentary conference pass, start by completing the tasks below in the SRC.

  1. Accept the Speaker Invitation. You must respond to the Speaker invitation for every session you’re invited to speak in.
  2. Respond to the Speaker Consent Form (non-Oracle speakers only). External speakers need to respond to the terms of the Speaker Consent form, which authorizes Oracle to promote, publish, and disseminate content post event. Under special circumstances, speakers may decline the consent form (this does not affect your ability to speak). The consent form must be completed for each session for which you are a speaker.
  3. Register for the Conference. Speakers must register. If you have already registered and paid for the conference, your payment will be refunded. This is a separate task from accepting your invitation to speak. Speakers will be asked to enter a code during the registration process. The link to register, along with the code you must enter are located in the SRC.
  4. Complete the Compliance Step. Speakers that have already registered must complete the compliance step. This is only applicable to government or private sector non-Oracle speakers.

Additional Tasks
You’ll find these and other tasks to complete after you’ve accepted your invite and registered.

  1. Upload your Presentation. Your final PowerPoint presentation needs to be uploaded by February 15th (only 1 file allowed). Details are provided in the SRC.
  2. Submit a Biography and Photo. These will display in the Content Catalog.
  3. Confirm your Contact Info. This is in case we need to reach you onsite.

Log into the Speaker Resource Center.

These helpful speaker tips will be useful as you prepare for your session. You’ll find speaker limits, session lengths, presentation file details, and more.

We're here to help

  • Toll: +1.763.447.3722
  • Toll-free: 1.800.945.7078