Before you close the books on the 2023 holiday season... + website optimization, & more
Before you close the books on the 2023 holiday season…
Make sure you do a full review of your digital marketing performance during the fourth quarter. Much of our advice for doing an email marketing review also easily applies to other channels. As part of that, make sure you review “Q5”—the
period after Christmas to mid-January. And make sure you review all of that with an eye on what you can do each quarter this year to improve your holiday results. Our Holiday Marketing Quarterly reports can be a big help in guiding you there.
Kaiti GarySenior Director of Analytic & Strategic Services Oracle Digital Experience Agency |
In this issue:
- Accessibility vs. inclusive design
- Website optimization and testing
- The 4 email marketing stakeholders
- Crystal ball 2024 roundup
While they have largely the same endpoint, accessibility and inclusive design have very different starting points that are grounded in very different worldviews.
Here’s what to test and which victory metric to use, plus 10 benefits of website optimization.
Running an email marketing program is growing increasingly complex. One of the chief reasons is that the channel has multiple stakeholders, each with their own agenda and priorities.
Crystal Ball Roundup of 2023 Predictions
Joining other experts, Oracle Digital Experience Agency’s Chad S. White peers into the future to see what 2024 holds for email marketers.
Say What?
“Whether your message is pre– or post–extreme weather event, be sure to follow our cardinal rule for weather emergency messaging: ‘Be helpful or be gone.’ In times of stress, consumers have little tolerance for self-serving and tone deaf messaging.”
Kelly MoranSenior Art Director for Copy Oracle Digital Experience Agency |
Our award-winning marketing and communications experts are ready to help every Oracle customer create stronger connections with their customers, employees, and partners, even if they’re not using an Oracle platform as the foundation of that experience. Handling everything from creative and strategy to content planning and project management, we consistently exceed our clients’ expectations, earning a customer satisfaction rate of 96%.
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