The springtime is prime time to…
Review your existing automated campaigns, identify improvements and potential tests, and launch new triggered campaigns. If your automation program is fairly young, then you’ll be focused on new launches. Review our checklist of more than 110 automated campaigns for inspiration. If your automation program is more mature, then you’ll be focused mainly on maintenance and optimization. Adding personalization, updating templates, and refining message prioritization are all things to consider to keep these high‑ROI campaigns performing their best.
Nick Cantu
Creative Director fro Creative Services, Oracle Digital Experience Agency |
In this issue:
- Helping customers during weather emergencies
- GenAI copyright infringement worries
- 30 inspiring subject lines from 2023
- Google and Yahoo crack down on spam
With the hurricane and wildfire seasons beginning soon and extreme weather events becoming much more common, brands need to be better prepared to send their customers messages to help them both prepare for these events and stay informed afterward.
People are asking, “Should we penalize a chatbot for doing what all human beings do—that is, assimilating information to inform responses—just because it does so more efficiently?”
Leveraging holidays, seasons, and other special occasions can give your emails a timely (and sometimes quirky) edge.
Driven by the looming threat of genAI, Google and Yahoo have implemented new deliverability rules that will have much more of an effect on smaller senders than larger ones, as Oracle’s Chad S. White explains.
Say What?
“With spring break, spring cleaning, new seasonal trends, and more, spring is full of content ideas not tied directly to a holiday. Introduce new products and lean into spring themes like travel, warm weather, and reorganization.”
Katie Anderson
Oracle Digital Experience Agency |
Our award-winning marketing and communications experts are ready to help every Oracle customer create stronger connections with their customers, employees, and partners, even if they’re not using an Oracle platform as the foundation of that experience. Handling everything from creative and strategy to content planning and project management, we consistently exceed our clients’ expectations, earning a customer satisfaction rate of 96%.
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