After every campaign…
You should look in the rearview mirror and see if you ran over anything. What was your unsubscribe rate? What was your opt‑out rate (unsubs + complaints)? And also look at unsub and opt‑out totals for the week, month, and quarter—as per‑campaign rates can hide bigger‑than‑expected subscriber losses as campaign frequencies ramp up for holidays and other occasions. Pay particular attention to how your most valuable subscribers are reacting, as even small losses there have an outsized impact on your program. Of course, also watch how your campaigns are affecting your inbox placement. Every marketer loves to measure positive metrics like engagement and revenue, but also keep a close eye on negative metrics like list churn.
Chris Kolbenschlag
Senior Director of Email Deliverability Services Oracle Digital Experience Agency
In this issue:
- CDP vs. the others
- Standing out during Cyber 5
- Is cold email dead?
Customer data platforms have advantages over all those other solutions, but also work well with some of them.
You start earning Cyber 5 attention now with the value you deliver well before the holidays. But there are clear tactics to embrace (and avoid) for your holiday campaigns.
Let’s tease this question apart to get at the key issues, including legality and effectiveness.
Say What?
“My daughter, who has dyslexia, often reads emails and online articles using a text‑to‑speech plugin on her phone, which is similar to a screen reader. Semantic markup and live text are critical to her ability to fully comprehend the content she is reading.”
Sarah Gallardo
Lead Email Developer
Oracle Digital Experience Agency
Say Hello
Sept. 9-12, Las Vegas
A wide range of Oracle customers, experts, and partners will speak about the latest innovations and strategies in marketing, sales, service, and beyond at
Oracle CloudWorld
Sept. 25, New York City
Oracle Digital Experience Agency’s Chad S. White explores the biggest challenges facing email marketers at the
Email Evolution Conference
Oct. 3-4, Atlanta
Oracle Digital Experience Agency’s Spencer Kollas is talking about how CRM is not just email at
Digital Summit Atlanta
Our award-winning marketing and communications experts are ready to help every Oracle customer create stronger connections with their customers, employees, and partners, even if they’re not using an Oracle platform as the foundation of that experience. Handling everything from creative and strategy to content planning and project management, we consistently exceed our clients’ expectations, earning a customer satisfaction rate of 94%.
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