All of our best content on Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection all in one email.
Apple implemented Mail Privacy Protection, kicking off a mad scramble to understand how it would affect email marketers and their relationships with their subscribers. Since then, Oracle Marketing Consulting has written extensively about the many impacts of MPP and how marketers can adapt. Here’s a roundup of our best content, plus a poll where you can tell us how much your organization has been impacted by MPP.
Chad S. White
Head of Research,
Oracle Marketing Consulting |
In this issue: |
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The definitive guide to MPP |
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Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection: 14 recs |
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Using Apple’s auto opens safely |
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Open-triggered email alternatives |
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The 2 social contracts broken by MPP |
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Poll: MPP’s impact after 1 year? |
Mail Privacy Protection has blurred marketers’ visibility into engagement and is causing deliverability best practices to be rewritten to account for the obscuring of open signals. |
Apple’s new email privacy features will affect everything from email analytics to deliverability to design in a significant way. |
The auto opens generated by Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection can provide some value in certain situations (at least for now), including:
1. As validation an email address is deliverable
2. As a warning sign of junking at Apple Mail
3. To measure the size of your MPP audience
The auto-generated opens churned out by Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection are breaking open-triggered journeys, which are particularly popular with B2B brands. |
Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection puts marketers in danger of breaking two long-standing social contracts with mailbox providers and subscribers.
It’s been around a year since Apple launched Mail Privacy Protection. How much of an impact has MPP had on your company’s email marketing program?
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