With the US set to formally declare the pandemic over… + content calendar inspo, & more
With the US set to formally declare the pandemic over…
Now is a good time to ensure that you understand your customers’ attitudes, desires, and goals. If you haven’t recently, consider doing customer surveys, organizing focus groups, analyzing customer engagement across your channels, prompting subscribers to update their preferences, and other things that get you a fresh view of your customers. Actively leverage those results to position your brand and finetune your messaging going into the second half of the year.
Clint Kaiser
Head of Analytic & Strategic Services,
Oracle Marketing Consulting
In this issue:
- Unique concerns during this downturn
- How to fill your content calendar
- When to use plain text emails
- Lessons from past recessions
When times get tough, brands rely even more on their marketing efforts. But that’s not the only reason to accelerate your marketing spend during this particular downturn.
Here’s the approach that Oracle Marketing Consulting’s Creative Services team uses to build out content plans with our clients.
The nostalgia for the simpler times of plain text emails can lead to overuse, especially for B2B marketers.
Oracle’s Chad S. White joins 11 other email experts in this Webbula roundup in sharing how marketers should approach this economic downturn based on our experiences with past ones.
Say What?
“While it probably won’t make sense to make every image in your emails retina images, we recommend that your logo absolutely be optimized for high-resolution screens. After all, a fuzzy logo makes a bad impression and raises unhealthy suspicions about the legitimacy of your email.”
Nick Cantu
Creative Director for Creative Services,
Oracle Marketing Consulting
Our experts deliver the tools and expertise you need to achieve more with the leading marketing cloud—including implementation, training, strategy, creative, deployment, and more.
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