If you want to resubmit your proposal for consideration for a new city, send an email to speaker-services_ww@oracle.com with the confirmation number of the session and details on the requested cities.
Go to the Call for PapersCity | Event Date | *CFP Open | *CFP Close | *Review Completed | *Notifications for Accepted and Declined Submissions Sent |
Oracle Code San Francisco | 1-Mar-17 | Closed | 13-Jan-17 | 20-Jan-17 | 25-Jan-17 |
Oracle Code Austin | 8-Mar-17 | Closed | 20-Jan-17 | 27-Jan-17 | 3-Feb-17 |
Oracle Code New York | 21-Mar-17 | Closed | 20-Jan-17 | 27-Jan-17 | 3-Feb-17 |
Oracle Code Washington DC | 27-Mar-17 | Closed | 3-Feb-17 | 10-Feb-17 | 15-Feb-17 |
Oracle Code Toronto | 18-Apr-17 | Yes | 21-Feb-17 | 28-Feb-17 | 7-Mar-17 |
Oracle Code London | 20-Apr-17 | Yes | 23-Feb-17 | 1-Mar-17 | 8-Mar-17 |
Oracle Code Berlin | 24-Apr-17 | Yes | 27-Feb-17 | 3-Mar-17 | 10-Mar-17 |
Oracle Code Prague | 28-Apr-17 | Yes | 2-Mar-17 | 9-Mar-17 | 16-Mar-17 |
Oracle Code New Delhi | 10-May-17 | Yes | 23-Mar-17 | 30-Mar-17 | 6-Apr-17 |
Oracle Code Tokyo | 18-May-17 | Yes | 27-Mar-17 | 3-Apr-17 | 10-Apr-17 |
Oracle Code Moscow | 22-May-17 | Yes | 30-Mar-17 | 6-Apr-17 | 13-Apr-17 |
Oracle Code Brussels | 6-Jun-17 | Yes | 18-Apr-17 | 25-Apr-17 | 2-May-17 |
Oracle Code Atlanta | 22-Jun-17 | Yes | 4-May-17 | 11-May-17 | 18-May-17 |
Oracle Code Sao Paulo | 27-Jun-17 | Yes | 11-May-17 | 18-May-17 | 25-May-17 |
Oracle Code Mexico City | 29-Jun-17 | Yes | 12-May-17 | 19-May-17 | 26-May-17 |
Oracle Code Sydney | 18-Jul-17 | Yes | 6-Jun-17 | 13-Jun-17 | 20-Jun-17 |
Oracle Code Beijing | 24-Jul-17 | Yes | 13-Jun-17 | 20-Jun-17 | 26-Jun-17 |
Oracle Code Bangalore | 4-Aug-17 | Yes | 6-Jul-17 | 13-Jul-17 | 20-Jul-17 |
Oracle Code Seoul | 30-Aug-17 | Yes | 13-Jul-17 | 20-Jul-17 | 27-Jul-17 |
Oracle Code Tel Aviv | Coming Soon | Yes |
*Notifications for accepted and declined submissions will be sent for each city.
For questions regarding the CFP, technical questions about the submission tool, or issues with submitting your proposal, send an email to speaker-services_ww@oracle.com.
Pleases read over the following information.
City/Date*: The city/date this submission applies to; multiple cities/dates may be selected
Additional City Notes: If you would like a previously submitted session to be considered for additional cities just email us at speaker-services_ww@oracle.com noting the confirmation ID of the session and the additional cities. We will reach out to you to confirm details as we’re reviewing by city.
Title*: Maximum character limit is 80 characters including spaces (approximately 12 to 17 words)
Abstract*: Maximum character limit is 750 characters including spaces
Trends* (multiple choice):
Languages* (multiple choice):
Presentation Language
Language in which you will deliver your presentation: (Select one, dependent on city) The default delivery language is English. You can override this by selecting a language below.
Presentation Summary:
For evaluation only, this is a more in-depth description of your proposal to help the reviewers better understand your submission.
Experience Level:
Identifies the knowledge level of the targeted attendee. No selection means it applies to all.
Link to Supporting Video:
Include a hyperlink to a video of your past presentations or speaking engagements. If you do not have a video, you may record a two-minute presentation and submit a link to the online recording.
Speaker Information (includes the CFP submitter and up to one additional speaker):
Name, company/affiliation name, email address, mobile number, and city/country where you live. Links to GitHub and Twitter accounts (optional).
On behalf of myself and my company/organization, which is designated below ("Organization"), and in consideration of my participation in Oracle Code (the “Event”) I grant Oracle (and its designated contractors), and its subsidiaries and affiliates under common control ("Oracle") the following permissions in connection with the Event:
I understand that neither my Organization nor I will receive any compensation for granting these permissions. Oracle is not granted any other permissions or rights with respect to my Likeness, my Presentation, the Recordings, or the Presentation Materials.
I represent and warrant that I have the right to the Presentation and Presentation Materials except any Presentation Materials listed herein, that the publication of this Presentation and Presentation Materials will not infringe on the patent, trademark, copyright rights of others, nor is it slanderous, libelous, or an invasion of any person’s right of privacy or publicity. I further represent and warrant that I have full power to grant this license to Oracle.